$47.00 USD

Every month

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The Workhorse Collective

Join our monthly group coaching program!

What you'll get:

  • One monthly LIVE virtual group teaching session covering a different topic each month in the area of marketing your business online. Post session replay available.

  • One monthly LIVE virtual group check-in session where you can ask questions and get advice. Post session replay available.

  • One monthly LIVE content planning session where you’ll work directly on your content plan for the next month. Post session replay available.

  • One monthly LIVE session where you'll have a chance to talk through your wins and get support on the struggles. Grab a cup of coffee or glass of wine and come hang out and build community with other likeminded women. 

  • Access to a vault of past sessions you can work through at your own pace.

  • Your spot in our exclusive, members-only community on Mighty Networks where you can ask questions and get support from me and your fellow members